Posts By: Stuart Dinnie

5 ways to build your brand online in the construction industry

The construction industry is a very competitive marketplace and the main way companies can stand out from the crowd is by building, and maintaining, a strong brand. Branding builds a unique personality for your business that cannot be copied or imitated, thereby attracting a defined type of customer. Brands are more than just logos and positioning statements but instead, brands symbolise what people think and feel about a business. This emotional connection, along with your brand reputation, is what helps in buyers’ decision making process. It might drive an architect or specifier to specify your product instead of a competitors.

An important element of successful brands is consistency. This builds customer trust and perceived value because buyers know exactly what to expect from your product or service before they buy it. Companies have to ensure that these expectations are achieved, or even better, exceeded.

Tell your brand storyRead More

MDi TV – Ecobuild 2012 Round Up

As the sun sets on Ecobuild for yet another year we can only now take a look at some of the good uses of digital marketing and new technologies we spotted during our visit to the 3 day show. It was good to see an increase in the number of stands displaying some sort of online social element be it Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn and testing new ways of getting people online or interacting through the use of QR Codes whilst at the show. We also noticed an increase in the number of exhibitors using iPads and mobile devices on stands which I can only assume was either a tactic to keep people on the stand or be able to show visitors the other ranges of products which were not on display. We did spot a dozen or so stands with QR codes but only a few codes we scanned led to a mobile friendly website which still backs up my theory that marketers are still only thinking about the first hurdle, not the next which what the website will look like on a mobile device and whether or not the viewer will be able to perform the actions you want them to take.Read More

[Survey] Understanding the ‘value’ of effective marketing within the construction industry

The UK construction industry consists of over 300,000 firms employing around 2 million people in a range of roles. The sector contributed 8.3% of the nation’s GDP (BIS, 2011). CIMCIG, the Chartered Institute of Marketing Construction Industry Group is working with researchers at Leeds Metropolitan University to explore the perceptions of marketing and to understand the ‘value’ of effective marketing within the construction industry.Read More

Congratulations winner of #digibuild for the best use of digital marketing at Ecobuild

Ecobuild is over for yet another year and as many of you know we set out to find the best uses of digital marketing before, and during, the show. We had a number of exhibitors enter our #digibuild award and were very impressed with what we saw in the run up to Ecobuild as well as what went on at the show. The winner faced some tough competition from runners up Alumasc and Jewson,who also did a brilliant job.

And the winner is …

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Goodbye Ayaan, you will be missed!

It is with great sadness that the Pauley Creative team announce news that our beloved Ayaan Mohamud will be leaving Pauley Creative to further her career in social media marketing.

Ayaan joined us back in September 2010, within the first few weeks of Tweeting on behalf of Pauley Creative she amassed a great following on Twitter and developed some important relationships with a wide variety of people within the construction industry. Although Ayaan will be leaving us, she will still be a regular on Twitter so hopefully you can all still keep in touch with her. Here’s a link to Ayaan’s Twitter profile.Read More

MDi TV Episode 14: What are advanced segments in Google Analytics?

Welcome to another episode of MDi TV. Today I will talk you through advanced segments in Google Analytics, explaining what they are and how you can use them to break down your data into smaller segments. Google Analytics already has some standard segments set up that let you view and analyse your traffic data in more detail by looking at segments such as:

  • How much traffic came from just mobile devices like the iPhone or iPad to enable to you understand how people interact with your site on a small device.
  • How many website visitors were new and how many are returning visitors to help you identify whether brand campaigns and blogs keep people coming back for more.
  • How many came from search engines or referral sites to help you determine if your SEO or link building tactics are sending quality traffic.
  • Non-bounce visits (viewed more than 1 page) which enables you to assess the quality of your content or landing pages.
  • View the data for those that completed a goal to help you just look at the user journey for those who subscribed, registered or filled in the contact form.

My favourite part however is the fact that you can create your own custom segments! This allows you to find out even more information about certain campaigns to see how your marketing efforts are working over time. Some examples of custom segments that I discuss in this episode include measuring brand and non-brand keyword traffic, brand loyal visitors and traffic from various social media sites.

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What is (not provided) in Google Analytics and why is it my number one keyword?

Have you logged into Google Analytics recently and noticed a certain keyword slowly rise to the #1 spot in your Keyword Report?

(not provided) google analyticsBack in October 2011, Google announced it would encrypt (SSL) searches performed by those who are logged into their Google Accounts (Gmail, YouTube, Reader, Analytics etc) which means sites will no longer receive the referral search term from these searchers. This makes it difficult for SEOs like us to optimise websites for particular keywords or search terms but it also helps us identify how many people could be seeing personalised search results. In Google Analytics you will see all encrypted searches grouped under (not provided).Read More

What type of Architect are you marketing to? Part 3 of 3

Over the previous two days I’ve introduced you to two types of Architects you could be marketing to. Firstly there is John, the traditionalist, whose preferred communication method is phone and print. Then yesterday you met Geoff, the transitionalist, who uses a ‘mash-up’ of communication channels to obtain information about your company and products and is slowly moving towards a fully paperless office and managing to get online a little more than he did 5 years ago. How will you market to these personas? Do you even know what type of Architects you are marketing to?

Let’s meet our final character.

The Transformationalist: Joanne

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What type of Architect are you marketing to? Part 2 of 3

Yesterday you met John, the 56 year old Architect. He is the traditionalist who loves to read material and his preferred choice of communication channels is print. John is your ideal Architect who hopes you don’t spend more money on mobile apps, online advertising to promote a new product, SEO to get the right product in front of him, microsites for him to visit, blogging with product content and social media to inform of an upcoming event. It just doesn’t appeal to him and nor does it add any value to him. In other words ‘don’t try to get him online’ if you are looking to strengthen your relationship and inform him of company info or product related information.

Let’s meet our second character.

The Transitionalist: Geoff

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