Posts By: Stuart Dinnie

How Simple Strategy Brings Construction Projects and Track Cycling Together


Great teamwork beats power and strength (That’s me in the middle)

This post is a great excuse to tell you a bit more about me; what I do, stuff I love and where the two came together rather unexpectedly at a recent visit to the Velodrome.

Before I begin this post I really ought to introduce myself.

I’m Suzanne Golder, content lead for Pauley Creative. I’m responsible for driving the delivery of successful content strategy for our clients.

My recent visit to ride at the Velodrome brought two of the things that I love together. Construction and Cycling.

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5 Ever-So Simple Tips to Shape a Strong Construction Brand

This post will consider the importance of strong construction brand positioning, which most construction companies could benefit from.

We will explore the five key ways to create successful business messages around the products and services you provide to your key target audiences.

It’s the general job of marketing to provide prospects with:

  • Clarification of their company’s core products
  • The applications relevant to each product or product type
  • The company’s priority supporting services

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Planning the content stage for your product manufacturer website launch

Firstly, it is important not to underestimate this task. Planning and executing the content for a new site is a significant commitment. Often once the build has begun, marketers return to their day job until two weeks before the site is live only to realise the enormity of the task ahead of them.

Your marketing agency should be highlighting the importance of your website content upfront. Not only because it’s a large task but also because content is probably the most important aspect to get right.

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How NOT to write a Google+ Post For Search Engines

A bit of a quick confession post this.

Having just learnt an important lesson about posting in Google+ I thought I’d share it with you.

You will all enjoy your weekends that little bit more believe me…

Whilst checking various search terms like “Pauley Creative Marketing” in various different search engines I came across a result that I didn’t expect.

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Pauley Creative Help Celotex to Deliver an Award Winning Building Products Website

Award Winning Building Materials Website

Stuart (left) and Nick (right) – In the Pink

We would like to offer our congratulations to the Celotex marketing team who have recently been awarded The Saint-Gobain Marketing Awards (UK) “Best Marketing Communications Project” with their new user-focused, lead generation website.

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7 More Books To Inspire Change in Your Construction Marketing Thinking

Last year, I wrote a post about some books that I thought might transform the way you thought about marketing your building products businesses.

I wrote it because those books, although not directly related to construction marketing, were inspiring (for me) and I felt like sharing the wealth.

To be fair the majority of you would’ve probably already read them, you’re such a cultured lot, so this time I’m going to mix it up a bit.

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Something Left Field – A Totally MozCon Experience

Good marketers talk about telling stories.

When you write content, when you create video, when you design an infographic, tell a story.

So I’m gonna tell you about my MozCon experience.

Zeph, Suarev, Sarah Bird, Lexie and a few others…. there are “actionable” items in here for you! Just bear with me for the first 500 words please.

Nathalie I stole your words for the title, because I think this qualifies…

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14 Professional Copywriting Secrets Every Specifier Wished You Knew

Ok, I admit it, I put difficult things off. Not always, just sometimes.

Because sometimes certain things are just so far out of my comfort zone I can’t bring myself to face them immediately.

I know they’ll ultimately be good for me, I’m just a bit daunted by them at the time, so I’ll procrastinate.

And yet, when I finally pluck up the courage, I’m usually so enlightened, I wonder why I ever waited so long.

What I learnt recently from a top émigré London copywriter is advice that will not just transform the way you write.

But also the way you work.

And your readers will love you for it.

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How to Create the Perfect Sitemap for your Building Products Website

This post outlines one of the key areas we should consider when planning a new website.

The Sitemap

As well providing great practical advice at the early stages of your web build project this post also identifies areas of opportunity for ‘Search’ even before your website is built.

A sitemap is visual representation of the structure of your website. It shows all of your website pages and the hierarchy of these pages.

Its important to understand this structure up front in order to get a birds eye view of your site and to make sure that all the topics you want to cover are included.

Building a sitemap should be pretty simple process yet there are plenty of pitfalls to avoid.

Getting your sitemap right, before you start the build, is vital to the success of your new product manufacturer website.

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