Posts By: Stuart Dinnie

8 Easy Steps to Optimising Your Building Product Images

It’s all to easy too upload your images quickly and forget about them. However, as with all things digital, with a little more effort and some pre-determined info we can get our images to work a great deal harder for us.

Having a process for optimising all your web-bound building product images properly will pay dividends, in our search marketing efforts, in the long run.

This then is our easy to follow, step by step guide to ensuring your images are being optimised for search.

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How Construction Marketers Can Use BuzzSumo To Inform Content Strategy

First question. What is BuzzSumo?

Well, BuzzSumo is a clever tool that can be used for a number of really interesting research applications that endeavour to give your content marketing strategy a helping hand.

This is what BuzzSumo say about their product:

BuzzSumo provides insights into the most popular content online and the influencers sharing it.

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14 Key Stages of a Product Manufacturer Website Build

The Pauley Creative philosophy on digital marketing strategy is, put simply, that your website should be at the heart of every tactical marketing channel you employ.

We’ve recently been privileged enough to build a number of complex websites for building product manufacturers that have handed control back to the client’s in-house marketing teams.

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8 Ways For Construction Marketers To Get Significantly More Focused

As work starts to pick up in the construction industry a key marketing question for me is “Are building product manufacturers going to stay focused on what’s important?”

The last few years have taught many of us to be lean, pin-sharp and focused on delivering real value for our businesses and in order to achieve that, you knew had to work backwards…

Let me explain…Read More

5 Trade Show Marketing Tactics to Take to Ecobuild (and 1 not to bother with)

In the run up to Ecobuild (in the UK), across the Atlantic, two US building materials associations, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) joined up to create the IBS (International Builders Show) and the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show (KBIS), at the Las Vegas Convention Centre.

The International Builders Show* is a trade show for US national home builders. Two things to clear up first; It’s definitely not a US version of Ecobuild and it’s not really international either (bar a small Chinese exhibiting contingent and me).Read More

The 7 Quick Optimisation Rules for Construction Companies Using Google+

Last year, at the launch of Google+ we spent some time looking at the features and the potential of the new social media platform and how it can be best utilized for business. We also took a look at what Google+ is able to teach marketers about segmentation.

As the popularity of the site grows, the SEO benefits of Google+ have become a hot topic amongst its ever-increasing number of users. According to Dustin W. Stout, Google+ now have more active users than any other social media site outside of Facebook. That’s pretty impressive for a platform created less than a year ago.

Many of the Google+ users now want to understand how the platform can help with them with their SEO efforts and how they can implement a Google+ SEO strategy.

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How the Top UK Construction Companies are Using Social Media Marketing in 2014

Read our 2015 update of this post here.

In June 2010 and 2011 we carried out an analysis of how the top 15 construction companies in the UK were using social media to connect with their audience online.

Although some growth in the use of social media and its execution were obvious between 2010 and 2011 many of the key players in construction were still to fully engage with their online audience. Some of those were yet to occupy any kind of presence online outside of their website. Whilst a critical aspect of marketing for any business is a well designed website, when used in isolation a website does not allow the customer to engage [with the company] in the way that they [the savvy online audience] are fast becoming accustomed.Read More

12 Priority Construction Marketing Challenges for the New Year

Forget Predictions, What Will You Do Differently in 2014? 2015?

Updated Jan 2015

It’s still true that the majority of generic B2B marketing predictions mean very little to the modern construction marketing professional.

Whether its building products, materials, contractors or professional services within construction generally, the route to market is typically protracted and complicated.

Let’s be kind to ourselves again this year.

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New Google Analytics Reports – Acquisition, Behaviour & Conversions

If you’ve logged into Google Analytics this morning you’ll no doubt be seeing the new reports on the left hand side: Acquisition and Behaviour.

Acquisition section replaces the Traffic Sources section along with two new additional reports – Overview and Channels reports.

Google Analytics Acquisition Report

The Behaviour section replaces the Content section but still contains the same reports as before.Read More