So Ecobuild 2013 draws to a close and many manufacturers and other exhibitors are in the follow up or nurturing process. If you didn’t make the show or followed it on Twitter (like I did) then this may be of interest to you….
Posts By: Stuart Dinnie
How to make Ecobuild pay for Building Product Manufacturers.

Spud the Dulux dog – An exhibitor who doesn’t have a follow up process…
It’s Ecobuild time again for all us construction marketing folks.
And for the sake of this post I will assume at this late stage, everyone exhibiting and visiting has a rock solid set of objectives and goals for this years Ecobuild.
From my own experience, most building product manufacturers will typically have three, now four (updated Nov 2013 and again in Feb 2015) key drivers for exhibiting. In no particular order:
- To show off new and existing product.
- To meet existing and prospective clients.
- Because the competition are there.
- Because they’ve always gone*
The months leading up to any large exhibition are generally more about project management than marketing.Read More
What building product manufacturers need to know about BIM
We kindly asked Stephen Hamil, Director of Design and Innovation at NBS/RIBA Insight to answer some questions which we had regarding BIM and getting started.
We’ve had lots of conversations with clients and prospects over the past 12 months and many are in the ‘wait and see’ boat and then there are some who are doing the hard work now to maybe reap the rewards later on when everyone will be playing catchup. Following on from our infographic on BIM Survey 2012 I thought it’d be good to get a quick low down on what manufacturers need to know about BIM and where to get started.
PC – If there was one message to manufacturers with respect to their BIM strategy what would it be?Read More
How to Select A Specialist Digital Marketing Agency The Right Way
There is something about the way the construction industry buys marketing services and the way some ‘full service’ or traditional agencies sell their services that has an ever-decreasing-circles feel about it.
Einstein is often credited to have said that the definition of insanity is; Doing the same thing and expecting different results.
Green Deal Advertising Campaign – What do you think?
So the Green Deal has launched with the below two print adverts. What do you think? Does it encourage take up? Does it make you want to find out more?
Are people searching the web to find out more about the Green Deal?
Many product manufacturers who will be involved in the Green Deal scheme will probably be ramping up their marketing activity to gain some attraction from all the talk about Green Deal.
One of the things which has interested me over the last 12 months is whether or not the interest levels in the Green Deal is growing (are people googling ‘green deal’) as awareness increases (or not as we found out recently) or if it’s flatlined throughout the last 12 months.Read More
Using Google Analytics to tell you which Architects and Contractors have used your website
If you are a product manufacturer then you’ll be targeting Architects and Contractors in the main and be marketing to them through a variety of campaigns and channels.
What I like to do for clients is to show them which specific Architects and Contractors they have increased awareness, engagement or even goals (registrations, downloads, sign ups, enquiries etc) by using Google Analytics:Read More
How SEO and E-mail can work together to generate leads
I’ve just been going through some of our clients Analytics data and discovered this particular interesting conversion path in Google Analytics. For those not familiar with conversion paths then read here. In a nutshell, a conversion path shows you the path with all the different mediums used prior to converting into leads or customers.Read More
Does your on-site search help Specifiers find what they want?
Google Analyics have just produced a very entertaining video to show what Google Analytics is like in real life.
The video is aimed at e-commerce businesses but there is no reason why this video also contains a message for us marketers in the construction specification market. Can the specifiers who visit your website find what they want? What are they searching for when they hit your site?Read More
Pauley Creative interview digital file sharing platform SpecifiedBy
A few weeks back I discovered SpecifiedBy via LinkedIn Groups, a digital file sharing platform for building product manufacturers. I approached the founder of the platform, Darren Lester to see if he would be up for explaining what SpecifiedBy is and who its for.
We know our readers are predominantly marketers from building product manufacturers and therefore felt this would be useful for our readers. If you would like to be part of the BETA testing team of SpecifiedBy platform then please email them here. You will also receive a 12 month FREE subscription to the platform for doing so.
Enjoy!Read More