Posts By: Stuart Dinnie

Glossary of digital marketing and social media terms

The new terms and abbreviations used online can be confusing for someone who is new to digital marketing and the world of social media. Therefore, we have compiled a list of some of the most commonly used words and terms to help you make sense of what people are talking about. This list is not conclusive and if you have any other terms that you think we should add then please let us know in the comments section.

Blog: A blog is an online journal that is updated on a regular basis with entries that appear in reverse chronological order. Blogs can be about any subject and are usually written in a conversational style to encourage comments and discussion.

Bounce Rate: the percentage of single-page visits or visits in which the person left your site from the entrance (landing) page. Use this metric to measure visit quality – a high bounce rate generally indicates that site entrance pages aren’t relevant to your visitors.

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MDi TV Episode 10 – Using social media to improve your PR activities

This episode of MDi TV explores the relationship between PR and social media. PR has changed over the years with the focus shifting from just getting news into the press to writing content that speaks directly to your audience and encourages conversation. Journalists are under a lot of pressure and need PR professionals to provide them with content that is relevant and written in a style that can be easily copied and pasted, hence the rise in popularity of the social media news release. This content is optimised for both search engines and the media looking for news on a certain topic.

Distributing your content and PR activities through social media channels can dramatically increase the reach of your news, whilst engaging in personal conversations and sharing relevant information online can strengthen your relationships with journalists and reporters.

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MDi TV Episode 9 – Optimising page titles for product manufacturer websites

The latest episode of MDi TV illustrates how product manufacturers within the construction industry can optimise their product page titles. When architects and specifiers are searching online they might already have a specific product in mind and will type this brand or product name directly into search engines. If your page titles are not optimised then you could be missing out on a large volume of quality traffic. Watch this screencast to learn how important unique page titles are and how you can ensure that your website appears in search results for your products.

Please let us know if you have any questions that you would like answered in a future episode by sending a tweet to @PauleyCreative or emailing us.

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How a UK architect practice uses social media to increase brand awareness

This is the second post in our interview series with different members of the construction industry. Dave joins us from SNOW architects to talk about how his practice use social media to communicate with their audience, raise awareness of the business and generate leads.

I ‘virtually’ met Dave through Twitter over a year ago and then finally saw him in person at our digital marketing seminar in October. He has built up a large online following and often shares interesting articles on industry news and developments as well as blogging about how architects can use the latest technologies for their projects. Now, I will let him take the stage, so to say, and tell you a bit more about the company and how social media has helped him.

Introduction to SNOW architects

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MDi TV Episode 8 – How search engines use social signals as one of its ranking factors

Welcome to the latest episode of MDi TV. This week Pritesh explains how search engines use social signals to determine which websites or web pages to rank highly within search engine results pages. The key take away from this is that whilst this isn’t just about a link from Twitter or Facebook pointing to your website, it’s more about producing quality content and then allowing your website visitors to share that content within social networking sites. The more social shares your content has and authority is built, the stronger the signal to Google that this content is of quality and is shared by authoritative people online (influencers) and should rank higher within search engines.Read More

Infographic: Social media analysis of the top 15 UK construction companies

Following on from our 2010 and 2011 analysis of how the top 15 UK construction companies are using social media, we have created an infographic to illustrate the difference a year can make. To see the detailed 2011 analysis, read our blog post ‘how are the top 15 UK construction companies using social media.’ Feel free to share the infographic on your blog, just remember to please link it back to this post. Thanks!

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MDi TV Episode 7 – Location based search optimisation

Welcome to the latest episode of MDi TV. This week we are doing something different and showing you a screencast tutorial of how you can optimise your construction website for people who are searching by location. Pritesh takes you through the process, highlighting what website (and page) elements are most important and need to be optimised for search engines.

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How a building product manufacturer is using social media for their business

Welcome to our first guest blog post where we take a deeper look into how product manufacturers within the construction industry are using social media. First up in this series is Playrite, who manufacture artificial surfaces and synthetic grass for sports facilities, playgrounds and leisure surfaces. They have an active presence on Twitter, Facebook and regularly update their company blog.

I initially heard about Playrite and their products through Twitter and since then have shared many interesting conversations on Twitter. In October we had the pleasure of actually meeting their marketing manager, Lorna Duncanson in person when she attended our Digital Marketing Seminar. Meeting online friends offline is one of my favourite things! I will now happily hand you over to Lorna to give you a short introduction to Playrite, what they do, how they use social media and what positive results it has had on their business.

UPDATE (16/05/2012) Marketing manager Lorna Duncanson is running 5k for race for life in July so please donate here.

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