Search Results for: bim

5 reasons why BIM isn’t working

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Last night saw an impressive gathering of senior industry figures congregated at One Birdcage Walk for the invite only CIMCIG chairman’s event at the equally impressive HQ of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers [IMechE]. On the menu, BIM and the barriers to adoption. Chairman Ian Exall, CIMCIG (and Aqualisa) gave a brief but concise introduction

Research in the Construction Industry

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We live by a simple ethos at Pauley Creative, don’t perform random acts of marketing or act on gut instinct. That is why research sits at the heart of everything we do and is typically the first stage of any project we complete. Why research is so important in construction and the built environment? Simply

Rich Media

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 What is rich media? Rich media offers a more enhanced experience to engage your construction audience; whilst the majority of content marketing involves imagery or text, rich media offers the opportunity to incorporate more advanced marketing features such as video, audio, augmented and virtual reality. Why is it important to you? When it comes