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We understand the importance of ‘what success looks like’ to each and every one of our clients, not just when it comes to good website design and development but also through how the website collects, collates and manages customer data in order to feed your sales team with qualified leads.

Select a CRM that works for you

Frequently, CRM’s are seen as a back-office platform, that stand alone from a website. In turn, this leads to a poor follow up process or completely missed opportunities. We help to show you what’s possible with modern technology stacks and can even help to select a CRM system which will work best for your business. We start by understanding your existing processes and then designing our new workflows that truly integrate your website to your back office – and consequently joining up your marketing and sales departments so they can pull in the same direction.

Join up your sales and marketing by integrating web, CRM and email workflows.

Stuart Dinnie

Managing Director

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