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A Guide to Lead Generation Websites for Construction Marketers

This guide discusses in detail why construction marketers should invest in a lead-generation website, what the advantages are for your business and the varying elements to be considered before, during and after the development process.

There are a wide range of factors that need addressing to ensure your website not only functions properly, but continues to rank highly in search, engage customers and stimulate conversions.

Investing in a lead-generation website: This chapter covers exactly what a lead-generation website is and how every website page works towards generating business growth.

Considerations for your website build: A website build involves more than a great design; we break down every element to consider when implementing a design plan or creative concept.

The creation of your website goals: How does the set-up of goals in Analytics help you to measure the success of your website pages, and which goals are most relevant to your business objectives?

Creating the right type of content: What type of content needs to sit on your website in order to engage, educate, build trust and provide solutions?

Optimising web pages for search: After all the hard work that goes into the design stage and content creation, you need to ensure that your website is actually found in search engines by the right people.

Using social media to increase website visibility: What social platforms will ensure your target audience are constantly updated with the latest content and website updates?

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